会 员 编 号 : 50793744

专属活动提升会员置业体验 数码化通讯促进联系

为响应环保及实践通讯数码化,我们将于今期会讯后停止印制和邮寄会讯。大家可继续透过会员电邮通讯、新地会网站、本会的「珍惜‧爱家人」Facebook专页或「shkpclub」 Instagram专页,以环保的形式及时获取各项信息和最新消息。
新地会早前与新地屯门大型住宅项目合作,再度于示范单位会场推出置业专题讲座,请来不同界别的专家为会员和亲友分享项目特点、如何成为新楼业主及楼宇按揭锦囊等信息, 有助大家掌握项目优势和置业所需知识。

新地会请来帝苑酒店的厨师示范「蒜片橄榄油鲜虾配多士」 及 「招牌沙律」,带来烹饪窍门与会员尊享餐饮优惠。

新地会有限公司感谢会员长期支持,我们不时与会员分享新鸿基地产及新地会的各种最新信息。如阁下不愿意收取新地会的直接促销材料及/或信息,可以向我们发出书面通知,邮寄至香港港湾道30号新鸿基中心45楼新地会资料保障主任收、电邮至shkpclub@shkp.com、或传真至2827 8804,或致电新地会热线 2828 7878 或请按这里


Being our valuable member, we thank you for your continuous support and from time to time we will share with you the latest information about SHKP and SHKP Club which might interest you. Should you not wish to receive direct marketing material and/or information from SHKP Club Limited, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying us in writing to the Club's Data Protection Officer at its office situated at 45/F., Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Hong Kong, by email to shkpclub@shkp.com, by fax at 2827 8804 or call our hotline at 2828 7878 or by clicking here.

Please be assured that even if you have chosen not to receive our direct marketing materials, we shall continue to honour your membership and you will continue to enjoy the benefits conferred accordingly thereunder. You can still learn of our offers on our website or notices at the various venues under the Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited.